Equip the Church to be the redemptive community that Christ envisions

We believe that the Church was purposed to serve as the redemptive community wherein true recovery takes place. When functioning as intended, the Church should be the greatest treatment center on earth. Whether you're interested in strengthening your current recovery ministry or creating and implementing one for the first time, GRN offers training and personal consultation to equip your church, ministry, organization, or counseling group to serve individuals in need. The services we offer are listed below. If you have a question or are looking for training or resources beyond what is listed, please message us by filling out the contact form below.

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Services and Training Topics



One-day Training + Travel = $1,250

This training is package is designed to be an introduction to the basics of a Gospel-centered Recovery ministry.

  • Intro to Biblical Discipleship/Counseling

  • The Gospel: A Superior message

  • The Church: The Greatest Treatment Center on Earth

  • Philosophy of Ministry

  • Distinctives of Gospel Recovery

  • Process for Rolling out Recovery

Rebuilding the Walls

You get to choose the training content…

One-day Training + Travel = $1,250

Two-day Training (Friday Night / Saturday) + Travel = $1,750

When we believe the scriptures are insufficient and the gospel is irrelevant we will look to the world for solutions. This training battles syncretism within the church in attempting to rebuild the walls and reclaim the gospel as both sufficient and superior in overcoming the otherwise enslaving interplay of sin and suffering. In addition to giving the biblical framework each lesson will also engage what the culture teaches and show the limitations of these interventions. Choose from the following:

  • Elements of a Redemptive Message

  • Elements of a Redemptive Community

  • Depression and The Greatest Command

  • Addiction as a Worship Disorder

  • Homosexuality: A matter of Orientation

  • Anxiety and Earthly Treasure

  • Anger and Spiritual Adultery

  • Marriage: Divorce and “Irreconcilable Differences”

  • Family: Authority and the Prodigal

  • Sex and Food: Disordered Desires

  • Guilt, Shame, and Misplaced Allegiances

  • Abuse and the Confusion of Responsibility

  • Suffering, Disease, and Death

  • Co-dependency and The Fear of Man

  • Trauma and the Rewiring of Neural Pathways through Redeemed Memories

  • Racism and Gospel Reconciliation

  • Abortion and the Assault against the Imago Dei

STEPS Intensive

Two-day Training (Friday Night / Saturday) + Travel = $1,750

This 2-day intensive is designed to equip church leaders with the process of STEPS. STEPS is a heart-focused discipleship program where participants learn to live out the gospel in daily life. Participants come to regular meetings for teaching and small groups, complete homework, and meet with a mentor as they seek to get at the heart of their sin.Though this training does not contain all the content of STEPS, it is a great way to help perspective leaders navigate the terrain of STEPS. 


Group Leader & Mentor Training

One-day Training + Travel = $1,250

Two-day Training (Friday Night / Saturday) + Travel = $1,750

This training intensive focuses on equipping volunteers to facilitate and lead successful recovery groups or to personally mentor individuals pursuing recovery.

Group Leader Training (Select appropriate)

  • Moving from Facilitation to Shepherding

  • Fostering Gospel-centered Community

  • Group Guidelines/Group Dynamics/Group Goals

  • Group Leader Expectations

  • Group Format

  • Issue-specific Groups vs. General sin groups

  • Differences: Recovery Groups verse STEPS

  • Recovery Group roles

  • Recovery Group types

  • Aftercare

Mentor Training

  • Moving from Sponsorship to Biblical Discipleship

  • Assessment: Examine Fruit | Confess and Pray

  • Assessment: Expose Roots | Renounce and Pray

  • Faithful Action/Aftercare

Addiction and the Gospel

Two-day Training (Friday Night / Saturday) + Travel = $1,750

This informative, multi-session training provides an overview and systematic understanding of the relationship between addiction, sin, and the Gospel, and equips participants with practical ways to minister to and disciple individuals struggling with addictions.

  • Session One: Introduction to Biblical Counseling

  • Session Two: Bio/Psycho/Social Influences

  • Session Three: Cultural Understanding

  • Session Four: Biblical Interpretation

  • Session Five: Gospel Application

  • Session Six: Spiritual Dynamics and the Sovereignty of God

  • Session Seven: Relapse Prevention and Family Systems

  • Session Eight: Co-dependency

Redeeming Recovery

Two-day Training (Friday Night / Saturday) + Travel = $1,750

Part of our passion through Gospel Recovery Network is to engage the non-gospel recovery culture with the gospel. This entails examining and understanding this culture, affirming the truth that is found there while leading where the fullness of that truth is found in Jesus. We follow Jesus example of “You have heard it said…, but I say to you…”, to correct any misunderstanding and misapplication of the truths found there.

  • Elements of a Redemptive Message

  • Elements of a Redemptive Community

  • History of 12-steps and the Church through the lens of the Exodus

  • The Redeemed Truth of STEP 1

  • The Redeemed Truth of STEP 2

  • The Redeemed Truth of STEP 3

  • The Redeemed Truth of STEP 4

  • The Redeemed Truth of STEP 5

  • The Redeemed Truth of STEP 6

  • The Redeemed Truth of STEP 7

  • The Redeemed Truth of STEPS 8 and 9

  • The Redeemed Truth of STEP 10

  • The Redeemed Truth of STEP 11

  • The Redeemed Truth of STEP 12

  • Moving from Sponsorship to Discipleship

Redeeming Psychology

You get to choose the training content…

One-day Training + Travel = $1,250

Two-day Training (Friday Night / Saturday) + Travel = $1,750

Part of our passion through Gospel Recovery Network is to engage the movement of secular psychology. This entails examining and understanding this movement, affirming the truth that is found there while leading where the fullness of that truth is found in Jesus.

  • Elements of a Redemptive Message

  • Elements of a Redemptive Community

  • Understanding The DSM

  • The Reductionism of Secular Psychology

  • The problem with “Mental Illness”

  • Mental Illness and the Sufficiency of Scripture

  • Trauma and the Rewiring of Neural Pathways through Redeemed Memories

  • Redeeming Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  • Redeeming Family Systems Theory

Reconciliation: A Look At Philemon

One-day Training + Travel = $1,250

This training aims to equip individuals with the theological foundation and practical resources necessary in facilitating and pursuing reconciliation.

  • Developing a Process

  • Perspective: The Minister of Reconciliation

  • Perspective: The Offended

  • Perspective: The Offender

  • Perspective: God

  • Perspective: Witness


Weekly Webinars (Thursday’s at 2:00 PM CST) = $150 per Month

Church Consulting / Counseling = $100 per Hour

We offer contextualized and ongoing training and consultation in regard to the administration of a Recovery ministry. We can help you think through what type of ministry model would work best in your context, what curriculum to use, the structure and frequency of meetings, and a variety of other topics including but not limited to:

  • The process for introducing and rolling out Recovery

  • Coordinating

  • Scheduling

  • Matching mentors




Have questions? Is there a training you would like to know more about? Looking for training or help that wasn't listed above?

Please fill out the form below, and we'll be happy to help.


Join the Gospel Recovery Network

Are you a counselor, organization, church, or volunteer interested in connecting individuals and families to gospel-centered resources to pursue redemption in Christ? Would you like to become a part of our network of like-minded and gospel-centered organizations? Click the button below to find out more.
